We’re super excited to announce our new partnership with QT Albums!

As you know we are always on a mission to improve the lives of photographers all over the world. Either by helping photographers to streamline their processes, remove stress from their lives, free up time or by hooking them up with amazing companies and amazing deals!

And that is why we have partnered with QT Albums. These guys seriously make some of the most beautiful albums in the world.

They are a small focused team based in Europe who really care about producing stunning, handcrafted wedding albums for photographers all over the world. These guys thrive by helping photographers to create timeless keepsakes for their brides and grooms. It’s really amazing to see. As soon as you see and feel any of their beautiful products you’ll instantly fall in love with it, the attention to detail, the materials used, it’s truly unique.

We want you guys to have the best and that is why we’re recommending these guys! And it gets better, QT Albums have been generous enough to give our Ninja’s 50% off for your first order!

Go to www.qtalbums.com and use the promo code: STUDIONINJA to get 10% off all your album orders!