Studio ninja new client portal design

October Studio Ninja Update

Hey everyone, as always it’s been a busy month here at Studio Ninja HQ. The winter is ending and we’re releasing a bunch of new features as the warmer weather approaches 🙂

This update contains a lot of usefully usability improvement rather than big new features – they will be coming in the next deployment!

If you’re interested, check out all the things we updated:

  • Updating all system messages to make them more helpful.
  • Client Portal: ‘Print’ button on the Quote page.
  • Client Portal: ‘Pay by Credit Card’ lightbox redesign.
  • Client Portal: Contract displays products & payment schedule.
  • Client Portal: Multi Language translation
  • Invoices: Make Invoice ID editable.
  • Invoices: Printing will display payment schedule and payment methods.
  • Payments Overview: Export all your paid & unpaid data.
  • Payments Overview: ‘Record Payment’ button in each row.
  • Payments Overview: ‘Send Receipt’ button in each row.
  • Job Overview Search: Will search ALL job fields.
  • Client Overview Search: Will search ALL client fields.
  • Templates: Will now display in alphabetical order.
  • Contract Title will be editable: for example you can call it ‘Model Release’.