Hey Ninjas,

As you all know, we’ve been working our butts off in the past few months to bring you guys the features you need. And yes, we’ve heard all your requests (good and bad!), and we are excited to announce that we’ve released HEAAAAAAAPS of new features and improvements  that you’ll surely love!

Let’s start off with the Pick & Choose quote improvements:

  • You can now recommend Products, as well as Packages. Recommended Products and Packages have a highlighted green label and are more prominent in the Client Portal. Also. you can now recommend multiple Packages, not just one. Ka~ching!
  • Your Clients can now select multiple Packages, not just one. While some of you were happy with only one Package chosen at one time, we received feedback that you also want your clients to have the ability to choose multiple Packages. Consider it done!
  • “Show more” button will not appear unless you have A LOT of text inside your Packages. This means if your Clients can now see the entire Package in their Portal without clicking show more every time, assuming the amount of details you have in your Packages fit within a standard screen.
  • For adding fixed fee discounts, there’s now an Add Discount section which is far more obvious than negative products.

  • You can now manually accept quotes from your Studio Ninja account without going to the client portal. This works for “Fixed quote” only, since you can’t accept a quote without choosing a package or product for the “Pick & Choose quote“.

Mobile App improvements:

  • You now have the ability to choose simple fonts, size and colours when you edit any text such as emails and templates. This is available on the mobile app for now. It will be released on the web version soon!

  • Build version numbering added to the navigation menu (so you know whether you have the latest)

  • You can decide if you want to automatically generate an invoice once a quote is accepted.

  • You can also manually accept the quote on the mobile app, without going to the client portal (works on Fixed quotes just like on the desktop version.)

  • Phone numbers are now clickable. Tap a phone number in the mobile app and it will call that number for you.
  • Email addresses are now clickable. Tap an email address and in the mobile app and you’ll be able to send an email straight to your client.
  • The discount section has been added to invoices and quotes.
  • You can now recommend multiple products and packages.
  • Plus a bunch of bug fixes.

Added Email sync button:

  • This button appears in the Mail section of your Lead Profile, Job Profile as well as Client Profile if you are connected via Gmail in Email Settings. The time stamp tells you when it was last updated.
  • It can only sync emails that have been processed by Google and appears in your Sent box. If you sent an email from Studio Ninja, and then immediately click the Sync button, that email won’t appear so quickly in the Mail section.
  • It’s also possible to have an error when you’re trying to sync emails. In this case, the error message will describe to you clearly why your emails weren’t synced.

Client Portal and Invoice improvements:

  • A new and improved Client Portal so it’s even easier for your clients use, navigate and book you in! The quote, contract, questionnaire and invoice pages have all had a beauty makeover.
  • A new “discount” section on quotes and invoices so it’s easier for you guys to add discounts to your packages and products.
  • Print buttons have been reintroduced. We had to remove it temporarily to improve this functionality.

We’re on a roll and we have a bunch of updates coming soon 🙂

Here are some of the things we will be working on:

  • Improvements to Dashboard
  • Ability to mark next task as done without clicking into the jobs
  • Lead Sources / ability to track lead sources via Dashboard
  • Calendar Year view
  • Quoting / ability to add a featured image for each Package

As well as BIG features that are in planning:

  • Form builder for Contact Form, Questionnaires and Contracts
  • Multiple brands within one SN account
  • More integrations e.g. PicTime, Square, etc.

We also have some new email integration updates coming your way soon. Basically Gmail and SMTP integrated users will be able to import client replies back into Studio Ninja, but we’ll reveal more about this soon.

Again, we would like to thank everyone for the unending support. Spread the love and stay tuned for more amazing updates! 🙂