We released a small update last night in preparation for a BIG update going live in the next couple of weeks!

Our small update last night included:

Refer a Friend: We’ve been so amazed by how many of you are spreading the love about Studio Ninja that we decided to give away more value! We’ve completely redesigned our Refer a Friend feature to make it not only WAY easier to use, track and share, but now you can give your friends a discount too. Share your unique Refer a Friend code and if anyone uses it, you’ll both get $5 off your subscription, every month! Refer 2 people and you’ll get $10 off and if 6 people use it, you will have a free subscription to Studio Ninja! Go to Settings > Refer a Friend for details.


Email Styling: We’ve redesigned our emails to look exactly like Gmail.

Email Delivery: We’ve also reworked a lot of the code in our emails to massively improve our email delivery and prevent spam.


We are currently working on (or finishing):

– Add attachments to email templates! You will be able to go to Settings > Email Settings & Templates and attach files to your email templates, permanently.

– Add ‘Files’ to each Job! You will be able to upload files, pictures, pdf’s, documents or movies to a Job to help you keep everything organised and in one place. You can also easily attach these ‘Files’ to emails.

– Quickbooks Integration has been started and coming soon!

– Multiple Shoots and Appointments: The final redesign to our workflows and the ability to add multiple shoots and appointments to a Job!

– Date / Time changes: We’ll also be introducing new Time / Date settings. You’ll be able to choose mm/dd/yyyy, 24 hour time and choose which day the calendar starts on.

As always, thank you sooo much for your continued support while we grow and improve Studio Ninja.

If we could just ask one favour, please try out the new Refer a Friend feature (Settings > Refer a Friend) and share your unique code with a mate, a Facebook group or simply help us spread the love any way you feel comfortable 

Stay tuned for more awesomeness coming soon…