Studio Ninja sends receipts automatically

February Studio Ninja Update

Hey everyone, we deployed another update last night and have some exciting news

Our latest updates include:

Auto Send Receipt for credit card payments (Settings > Payment Schedules & Reminder). Activate this feature to allow Studio Ninja to automatically email your client a receipt when they make a payment by credit card (Stripe or PayPal).

– All receipts now come with a PDF attachment.

– We now offer in-app chat! You will see a small blue smiley face on the bottom right hand side of the interface. Feel free to message me any time. It’s only me managing this at the moment so be patient, I’ll respond to you as quickly as I can.

Studio ninja offer in app chat

– We have launched a new Ninja Academy. Just click on the Help icon in Studio Ninja to see detailed explanations about everything!

– All the recently reported urgent bugs have been fixed

– Work continues on upgrading Workflows, Xero and Rounded.