116: Shutter Circle – Community Over Competition & Top Tips for New Photographers

March 15, 2024

“Build the community. It’s so important!”


Hey everyone! It’s Sally here, from Studio Ninja. Today’s episode is all about Shutter Circle – founded by Luke, Kieran & Nik!

Shutter Circle is the place where camera creatives grow their business, learn their craft, and find their people. Nik, Luke and Kieran joined forces to help combat the gatekeeping within the wedding industry. This is aimed at mainly beginners that want to find their feet within weddings, and so Shutter Circle was born. They want to create a community where people can ask questions in safe environment as well as creating job opportunities through their second shooter job board (coming soon!).

Check out some of the biggest points from their interview below:

  • Shutter Circles journey in the Photography Industry
  • Community over Competition
  • Tips for Wedding Fairs

  • How to make yourself stand out
  • The importance of knowing your cost of doing business
  • How Studio Ninja can help you organise your business

  • What they would do differently if they could start their career all over again
  • The importance of building a network
  • What a huge impact networking can have on your business

  • The one thing that made a difference to Luke & Kieran’s business!

What is the trick when it comes to Wedding Fairs?

Studio Ninja. I’ve had almost a 60% uplift in bookings since incorporating Studio Ninja into my workflow at a wedding fair. I have my computer there, I’ve also got a QR code linked to a specific contact form., so if I can’t speak to clients, they can scan it and it takes them through and it starts off the workflow.

It sends them some galleries, it sends them some information., but if they actually are talking to me, I will ask, do you want me to send you a quote? So right there and then they have got all the information they want. They’ve got the contract, they’ve got the questionnaire, they’ve got some galleries that are emailed to them as well via the, the workflow. And so by the time they’ve even got to the next stand, I’ve sent all the information. And I found that what I used to do previously was I’ll email you all that stuff tomorrow. And someone else had already got in there. And so now when I’m sending it straight into stand for me, it’s putting me at the top of the list of information because I’ve already got it out there. And it sorry to say, but it makes you look a bit more professional as well that you’ve got this system. People always comment, wow, what’s this? This looks great. And I end up also chatting to clients who are like, wow, this is this is really like pro.

What is your best advice for new wedding photographers?

I would say don’t be afraid to follow photographers on Instagram like see what styles speak to you. And again, I know that sounds really cheesy, but like when I first started out, I thought I had to be a documentary wedding photographer. They didn’t take any portraits of couples ever. And there is definitely a place for those photographers and they’re amazing at what they do. But it wasn’t for me., I also saw very, very different editing styles, and I knew that I wanted my images to be true to colour, but really, really bright and pushing the camera as much as possible.

My my biggest tip is literally just like no dangly hands. Like they need to be doing something. And honestly, like so I, I do pose people and they feel so much more relaxed with that little bit of guidance., so yeah, don’t. So advice to newbies is don’t be afraid to do what you want to do. If you see people talking about being a documentary photographer, don’t feel like you have to follow that trend if it doesn’t speak to you. If you want to pose couples, there will be couples that that like that, like that style

Why is networking so important?

So this kind of links back to what we said before about showing what you want to shoot. And it’s building that network of people that you trust and you really like working with and like when you. So some of us might not do, but I know I do. I send out a questionnaire and on that questionnaire. At the bottom is ‘who are your suppliers?’ You know, you have florist dresses and I do a little happy dance every now and again when it’s a supplier that I know that I love working with. And I wouldn’t have had that if I hadn’t have met them previously.

So don’t be afraid to introduce yourself. Sharing is absolutely caring. They’ll probably rave about you on Instagram that you’ve got these gorgeous photos from this wedding.

Also – don’t think you can’t network with other photographers as well. You know,, if Covid was a perfect example of we all suddenly went, we really haven’t got a proper backup plan. You know, I got Covid and I was very lucky that I had about five people there in the industry that I could contact and say, ‘can you shoot a wedding on my behalf?’. I was so glad that I had people in place that I knew that I could contact.

And it’s since then it’s grown even more of, you know, we trade enquiries. Have we got a hot lead that we’re booked for? I’d rather send a client some really helpful people that I know are available. They’re similar to what you’re looking for, similar budget because it’s a recommendation that they probably haven’t had, and it might actually throw up someone completely different they’ve been looking for, and it might find them the actual ideal photographer they want. So you know, me, Kieran and Nik have certainly past back and forth lots and lots of enquiries, which is really helped in the fact that the client comes in warmer then. So, you know, it’s not that we’re competition, we’re a community, and it makes it much nicer that you know that someone else has got the job because you were booked.

Thank you!

Thanks again to you all for joining us and a huge thanks to Luke & Kieran for joining us on the show!

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions about this episode, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post, and if you liked the episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post!

That’s it for me this week, I hope you all enjoyed this episode.

See you soon,


About Shutter Circle

Shutter Circle’s main core value will always be community over competition. When the team started out there was a lot of gatekeeping in the industry, and they wanted to be that change. There are so many wedding photography/videography workshops out there, but seem to only target established businesses. Shutter Circle wanted to close that gap, to help share their knowledge with beginners trying to get into the industry.